Parliamentary delegation visits Japan


Tokyo:  A Parliamentary delegation from the Senate and National Assembly of Pakistan visited Japan to participate in the Inter-Parliamentarians Union (IPU) Young Parliamentarians International Conference on 27th-28th May 2015. 

Participation of the Parliamentarians underscored the strengthening of democratic institutions and processes in Pakistan and in particular highlighted the progress being made in women’s empowerment and participation, since three of six Parliamentarians were women.  

In addition to meeting with Parliamentarians from Japan and across the world, later at Pakistan Residence the Parliamentarians had the opportunity to interact with senior politicians from Japan from various parities including Honourable Mr. Natsuo Yamaguchi, Leader of Komeito Party, Honourable Mr. Kazuyuki Hamada, Member of House of Councillors, Honourable Mr. Antonio Inoki, Member House of Councillors and Goodwill Ambassador of Sports Diplomacy for Pakistan and Honourable Ms. Midori Matsushima, Secretary General of Japan-Pakistan Parliamentarians Friendship League.