The Embassy has been following an open-door policy for our community (and despite the situation of Covid-19, we continue to receive our community members who can visit the Embassy in person, while observing the SOPs in this regard). In addition, in view of the pandemic situation and also to have an opportunity for interaction/outreach for our community especially those members of the community who find it difficult to interact with the Embassy in person, or live-in other cities of Tokyo, the Embassy would be holding second virtual community meeting/E-Kachehri in line with the directives of the Prime Minister on 26th March 2021 (Friday) at 1600 hrs.
Members of the Pakistani Community in Japan interested in attending the E-Katchehri are requested to kindly register latest by 26 March 2021 (1400 hrs), by submitting the following details on
http://[email protected]
Passport/NIC number:
Phone number:
Proposal/question/recommendation, if any :
Following Google form may also be kindly filled and returned back
In case you have any query or question regarding a pending matter, the Embassy would appreciate if you could send the question in advance at the above email. It will help us in saving time and making preparations of the meeting.
The above E-Kachehri will be arranged via Zoom (The Zoom link and exact time slot for the specific individual interaction would be shared via return email).